Friday, 31 May 2013

MM Picks

Alain251 has done it again . Is there any stopping this talented creator ? It appears not .

Today saw Alain251 earn his second MM Pick with Fast Ball.

A massive congratulations from all the Ghost Creators

You can queue it up here .

Muddy Malignance by Nexus_Prime73 OUT NOW

Nexus_Prime73 , Formally known as Ucroburst has released Muddy Malignance .

I am sure you will agree that these pictures look great !

You can queue it up here .

Sunday, 26 May 2013

Community Spotlight - Episode 112

Another two weeks have come and gone . This can mean only one thing . That's right , It's time for that hard working team of creators over at LBPC to produce another Community Spotlight . Last night saw the release of episode 112 .

The Ghost Creators scored a hat trick of mentions this time round as TheOfficialKing , TheNotorious-187 and Alain251 all featured .

You can find a link to the full spotlight here .

And queue up the HUB level here

As always , The Ghost Creators would like to thank all the members of The Spotlight Crew for all the hard work they put in !

Saturday, 25 May 2013

Buddy's Gallery of Destructive Tunes 2 - OUT NOW

BuddyDestruction has published a new and revised version of his Gallery of Destructive Tunes .
Version 2 now sees the gallery split into two parts , and also features an improved user interface .

You can queue both parts here .

Yesterday also saw the release of Buddy's Ghost Creator interview over at .

Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Pacific Reef by Alain251 - OUT NOW

The extremely talented Alain251 returns with his new level, Pacific Reef, which is out now !

I am sure you will agree with me that these pictures look gorgeous . So what are you waiting for ?

You can find a link here

Monday, 20 May 2013

Pacific Reef

This coming Wednesday will see the release of Alain251 latest work . This time Alain takes us underwater in Pacific Reef . I can't wait to see what he has in store for us . If his previous work is anything to go by , this is one level not to be missed . 


That time of year . . .

There are times in life when LBP has to take a back seat. A crazy notion I know but, it's true.
And for a number of our members one such time is now . . .

Exams !! The very word used to strike fear into my heart, and yes, before you say it, I can still remember those times . . .  Just about, anyway. ; )

So, on behalf of all The Ghost Creators, I just wanted to come on here quickly and wish everyone sitting an exam at the moment the best of luck.

Sunday, 19 May 2013

SOL - A Sunset Silhouette by TheNotorious-187

Some bloke called Notorious has published his new silhouette gallery.
SOL will take you on a trip around the globe as you follow the sunset.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, and kids of all ages, if you enjoy "the finer things in life", like incredible artistic masterpieces, or a Porsche Carrera, then you will love this level. It is beyond brilliant. It defines Art in it's most compelling form...that rare moment when a creative genius unveils his soul. SOL will take your breath away, as you journey through a world of masterpieces. BRAVO!" - RickRock_777

You can queue it here.

Friday, 17 May 2013

Vcorp's Downfall by TheOfficialKing

TheOfficialKing  is back with his forth level and, trust us, you won't want to miss this.

Vcorp's Downfall is a beautifully crafted platformer. Filled with great contraptions, this has hit written all over it.

You can queue it up here.

The Best of Alain251

Over the last few months, if there is one member that has been on a roll, it surely has to be Alain251.
This talented French creator has been producing quality level after quality level. Long may this run continue, I say.

From beautiful caverns to deadly, toxic sewers, Alain251 has created some memorable environments for us to explore. Personally, I can't wait to see what he comes up with next...

Level Links

Sacred Caverns -
Moonlight Celerity -
Abandoned Sewer -
Fast Ball -
Last Refuge -

Thursday, 16 May 2013

Introducing Tripple_sss

Introducing tripple_sss

Creator Name: Sereiryth

Creator Age: 32

Region: US - California

PSN: tripple_sss -

Twitter: N/A

Published Levels:

LBP1 - 1
Lost Ruins of Panatra

LBP2 - 5
Simply Elektrifying
(LBPC1)A Plethora of Proxy's and Shox's:The Recruit
The Guardian's forestry of virtue and danger
I Dream of Genie:The Bottle
Level Hub
(Fishnapped:Going Upstream on Ghost_Creator's Acct . TBA)

LBPV - 0 (Yet )

Hey Tripple. Can you tell us about your first LBP Memory?

Having first played the story mode and thinking what's this ridiculous game I'm playing and turning to other games for almost 6 months before attempting to play it again

What was it that first hooked you about LBP?

When I first dabbled with the create mode, I thought to myself what kinds of things can I create

Tell us about the first level you ever made?

Oh my gosh, the very first level I made was your typical run, jump over obstacles with about a thousand score bubbles til the end where the scoreboard was. Looking back it made me laugh at how much of a noob I really was.

How have you improved as a creator since then?

I'm somewhat of an OCD where if it doesn't look or feel right to me, then I'm not gonna continue with it. So every level needs to be better than the last or I'll junk it, lol.

What is your best moment in LBP to date?

Getting my first spotlight on LBPCentral. It showed me that I must have done something right to get the pick. And of course, when Sabre asked me to join the group. Thought to myself that he thinks my levels were more deserving of plays and recognition, and that meant a great deal to me. Thanx Sabre.

If you Could change one thing about LBP what would it be?

MM picks. There's too many inconsistencies. There are plenty of well deserved picks, but there are also plenty that just makes me scratch my head and wonder, HOW??

What would you say are your strengths and weaknesses as a creator?

My strengths would have to be my attention to detail and gameplay elements. I'm constantly looking for new ways to make contraptions never seen before. My weakness would most definitely be music, time it takes to create, and movie making. I can spend a month working on a door contraption, lol.

If you could improve one aspect of your creating what would it be?

Definitely faster time coming up with ideas and gameplay elements

What are your influences and inspirations?

Not knowing what I'm capable of until I try was literally the reason I was inspired to create

You are a member of the Ghost Creators, What does the group mean to you?

What the group means to me is having the chance to help one another to become better as creators by way of certain exposures, and the ability to diversify your thinking by some form of insightful help. Remember if 2 heads are better than one, imagine 38+ heads of diverse creators.

Okay, Can You tell us about some of your levels?

Well, it practically takes me roughly 3-4 months to create a level. So the first level I was proud of was The Guardian's Forestry of Virtue and Danger. I've always liked the Gardens theme and wanted to create something of that nature. Also, I've never created a boss so this was something of a challenge. The boss took me a month to create and if you pay attention, it's similar to Holguin's missile boss battle. When it comes to boss battles, he's the best at it IMO. I received an honorable mention for that level, so you can imagine how disappointed I was after spending 4 months creating it. Still, that wasn't gonna stop me from creating. I wanted so much to have a spotlight, so that was my next objective.

That's where I Dream of Genie came in. I needed to make the spotlight team play my level and say wow. And boy did they, lol. At the time, that was my best work IMO. So I knew deep down that they have to like my level, or that's the last time I'm gonna try making another level. Luckily for me, they picked it. But more importantly, Lockstitch commented on that level stating that he enjoyed watching the different transitions of my level. Which reflects on creators I most admire

The Guardian's forestry of virtue and danger -

I Dream of Genie: The Bottle -

Are there any creators that you especially admire?

It's obvious that it's Lockstitch. He's been an inspiration of mine ever since I played his first LBP1 levels. He always seem to come up with new and innovative contraptions. Things I strive to do as well.

Lockstitch -

Holguin86 would be my next creator I admire due to the fact his levels are not only unique and fun and challenging, but he creates the best boss battles IMO

Holguin86 -

can you list some levels that you admire?

All of Lockstitch's levels, but particularly Remnant:Ignotus. This level has practically everything I strive to make as a creator. The amount of unique contraptions that are not only unique, but flawless and smooth in every transition. The materials that go hand in hand with one another. And the geometric shapes of each individual piece of platform that only Lockstitch can conjure up reflecting his trademark ways.

Remnant: Ignotus -

Holguin86's level "Missile Works" is another I totally admire for his gameplay elements that spits out challenging, yet fun. This level has a boss fight at the end that if I did'nt know any better, came from one of the story mode. That's how good he is in making boss battles.

Missile Works (1-Player) -

Rio_Lotta's latest level "Eternal Lake" was extremely detailed and the 3D layout was practically placed perfectly. He has a keen sense of unique style of details that no other creator has. Yet, the atmosphere of this level makes you feel as if you're right in there.

Eternal Lake [Prologue] -

You got yourself a Vita. How does creating differ from LBP2 and LBPV?

Well since I just started dabbling with the create mode, most are very similar to LBP2 but a few are quite different. Such as the color schemes to some of the materials are rotated horizontally and there's the use of the touch pad feature. Obviously since the vita has that feature, there's a tag for it. So that's practically new but quite intriguing. I wish I could state more but like I said, I just started playing around with the create mode.

Out of all the new tools that LBPV has to offer, what is it that most excites you?

Mostly it's the touch pad feature. It seems to me that there's an array of uses I could do with it. For example, the touch tag can be used to make objects explode or open up doors per say. You can also use to move objects around. I believe if you can think it up, then you can create it. That's definitely one feature I can get used to compared to LBP2 that you can't do. Well I hope I can come up with some crazy contraptions for you guys in the near future. You'll just have to wait til then.

Do you have any future plans and projects that you would like to share?

Just finished my part in the group's series level, Fishnapped:Going Upstream and planning on part 2 of I Dream of Genie

And finally, give us 3 tags which describe you as a creator?

Innovative, Detailed, Slow

"You're only as good as you allow your limits to be"

Sunday, 12 May 2013

SOL - A Sunset Silhouette

Some bloke called SpaceMonkey187 will hopefully be publishing his latest level this coming Saturday. SOL is an artwork gallery. It is packed with over 20 dynamic scenes, and features music by Velvet Audio.

SOL - A Sunset Silhouette


Community Spotlight Episode 111

Well, It is that time again. It comes round so quickly. Community Spotlight 111 dropped last night and it was another strong showing by the GC.

Alain251, Five-Ate-Five, Peoriaspitfire, Rickyyeah, RickRock_777 and JustinArt all received an honourable mention. Congratualtions guys.

I am sure i speak for everyone when i say a big thank you to the Spotlight Crew for all the hard work they put in.

You can find a link to the spotlight here.

Did you know?

Did you know that two other great LBP fansites are run by Ghost Creator members?

HIDDENMOON is a Twitter account that highlights LBP artwork and level shots. They also promote a ton of new levels through the account. It is run by some bloke called SpaceMonkey187....



LittleBigReports is run by Jauw2 and is dedicated to bringing you all the latest news from the community. They also record and review levels.


Facility IX - The Core ( Easy Version) by RickRock_777

RickRock_777 is back with an easier version of his Facility IX level.

Slightly easier but, no less atmospheric than the original, This time, you may just survive....

You can queue it up here.

Lost in a Nightmare by ADTK

ADTK has published 'Lost in a Nightmare'

You find yourself trapped in a haunted place. Can you escape?

You can queue it up here.

Gamma Factory by JustinArt

Our very own JustinArt has published his third level on LBPK.

With a steampunk theme and featuring some insane jumps, Gamma Factory proves to be a lot of fun.

You can queue it up here.

The best of D4RKSM0K3HUNT3R

One of LBP's most exciting creators. D4RKSM0K3HUNT3R has continually produced quality level after, quality level. Find some of his best work here. Enjoy.


The Dark Side of Mars -
The Essence of Light -
Desert of Time -
Sea Dimension -
Sweet Run -

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Introducing Sabre

For those that don't know, we run a series of interviews over at These interviews are designed to help you get behind the name, to find out what makes a creator tick, and what inspires them. Seeing as we have all this new space to fill I think it is only right that we move them all over here. So lets start off at the beginning, and what better place to start than with the founder of the group himself...

Introducing - SABRE

Creator Name: Josh

Creator Age: 20

Region: U.S

PSN: Sabre_

Twitter: @Sabre__

Published Levels:

-LBP1 (Deleted them but had 8 )

-LBP2 (11)

-LBPV (0- Currently working on one)

Okay, lets start right at the beginning, what is your first LBP Memory?

My first LBP memory was, I thought the game was going to be boring after I bought it. When you go through the introduction and stuff I was just like yeah yeah lets get to the fun stuff, but as each level came along it got more fun to play and then when I was able to play community levels and build my own levels once I got enough materials and objects gathered that I was going to have a blast with this game.

What was it that first hooked you about LBP?

Well my brother L1ghtmare was playing with me on a shooting game called "Socom" and he brought up something about LBP on there. And when I asked him he told me how you could create your own levels and play other peoples levels and that to me was already a plus because it sounded like something I would really get into specially creating levels. So I typed it in on Youtube and found a batman level that was done really well and since then when I saw that video I just thought if people can make stuff like that then I know I could make some really great stuff to. Since then I bought LBP, and began playing it

Tell us about the first level you ever made?

My first level was horrible, I used a lot of community made objects from the story mode and used that black rubber material as a road lol and it was just terrible. The way I had it setup though, made it fun but it was a bit difficult to complete but was definitely fun creating for first time using such stuff. When I finished making it, in my eyes I thought "Yeah this will definitely get some stars" but after I published it and it got rated 2 stars it kinda disappointed me but at the same time it made me wanna strive to get better and really put time into my levels.

And how have you improved as a creator since then?

Yes, I improved a whole lot sense then. Eventually as I kept publishing more and more levels the stars began to rise from 2 to 3 to 4 but never could get 5 stars but 4 was satisfying enough for me to know that I've came up since the first time I made a level.

What is your best moment in LBP?

My best moment in lbp would be when I published my sonic level. It reached over 13k plays and I was just shocked it got so many. I'm really talented when it comes to remaking some games and for that level to get so many caught me off guard due to how fast I've made the level.

If you could change one thing about LBP what would it be?

I always thought having an extra layer or so wouldn't be so bad. Since I use 3D a lot, there was times if there was more then 3 layers to shift from then I could of made some awesome stuff but guess it's 3 for a reason. Same goes for LBP2, if we had more layers it would be nice to have Sackbots back there walking without doing it the glitch way.

What would you say are your strengths and weaknesses as a creator?

My strengths would be anything involving detail. I love 3D, Scenery, just doing visuals overall and remaking games that doesn't require to much logic to be done but enough to make it like the game suppose to be. My weaknesses would be creating music, gameplay, logic a little, coming up with ideas, and leaving projects unfinished which I have few of those still.

If you could improve one aspect of your creating what would it be?

I would improve my gameplay, if I had better gameplay ideas I think it would take my creating to another level and it wouldn't be difficult for me to bring out levels more often then I have been doing.

What are your influences and inspirations?

I think my brother light is my influence because, through every level if I had something that didn't look right or fit well with the level he would tell me straight up without beating around the bush about it or lying saying it was good. And that alone kept my eyes open to what things to do and not do in my levels. My inspirations comes from my fans really, anytime I have a level out or level locked and people message me wanting to see it soon or want me to get back working on it, it gives me motivation to complete it and not leave it on my moon collecting dust.

You created the Ghost Creators, what first gave you the idea to do that?

I use to come across creators who made some excellent levels and seen it go to waste with 10 or 20 plays and I always thought it if I could make a group and gather these guys up together we could probably change all of that. So I thought of the group called Ghost Creators. At first I didn't think the name sounded right but as I thought about it these guys who are out there and not getting noticed are like ghosts whose trying to be see for there work they put into these levels there creating. So I asked a friend what he thought about the name and he said he likes it and from there I created the group and started hunting for these kind of creators to bring them in and help them get out there anyway I could and even gather them up to make some group projects in the future.

As a group, what do the Ghost Creators hope to achieve?

My whole idea was to get these guys noticed because, every last one of them deserve it. I hate to see good talent go to waste all because how hard it is to get your level noticed over bomb survivals and copied levels blowing up the cool pages. So what we want to achieve is catching the eyes of the LBP community to show them what we can do and show them hey there is a group out there who cares about finding creators like these guys with talents and helping them get noticed and becoming together as one. Also making levels that the community wants, and striving to better ourselves along the way.

How many members do the Ghost Creators have?

We currently have 47 members.

The Ghost Creators have just released a new Hub level, can you tell us about that?

Well we have a previous hub showcase but it only holds 16 levels in there and since then the group has grown a lot and we felt that everyone's level should be in the hub so we created a massive like hub level to display all of our creators in the group levels. The hub wasn't just made just for that reason though, we wanted to give the community some really great levels to play on there free time and keep them busy over the weekend with some awesome levels by these guys/girls. Also to show people who we are and hopefully keep them interested in wanting to see more from our group which we plan on doing for those who are interested in what our group does.

What can we expect from the Ghost creators going forward?

You can expect more awesome levels from the creators and also a upcoming series we're working on at the moment. We wont give to much out on that just yet, but it's looking well so far and should have a teaser trailer coming out sometime this month.

Where can we find out more about the Ghost Creators?

You can check out on , there you can see whose all in the group from the hearted creators list and also check out alot of good levels in the hearted list. Also you can check us out on Youtube and see some of our levels on there and follow us on twitter @Ghost_Creators

Can you tell us about some of your own levels?

-These past few levels that were recently made, took quite some time to come up with which is a weakness of mine. Such as my Motif Underworld level. The idea came from the game Outland, I began to make the game but as I was inexperienced with Sackbots it kind of took my motivation away on wanting to go through with it so I ended up changing the idea into a platformer.

After I started looking through some stickers and came across Motif stickers I began using those and the level just started to look better and better and I stuck with the design and named the whole level Motif Underworld and went from there.

Motif Underworld -

-Another level that I enjoyed making was my Multi-Mansion level. It started just as an idea I was making cause I was bored in create mode then it turned into something great. I just started building to paths and decided I should make a level with more then one path you can take since you don't see platformers like that much so I did. Now no matter how good the idea was at the moment, the only thing that backfired on me was my own weakness of gameplay and I just thought how am I going to build 2 sides full of gameplay so that was a slap in the face. But I continued to build it and it turned out to be fun/lil challenging level to few and turned out great.

MultiMansion -

Can you list some creators you admire?

-Think one of them would be my brother of course lol. L1ghtmare always caught my attention when it came to his gameplay skills. He would just hop into a empty level and within a hour or so have so many gameplay ideas built and ready for a new level he's coming up with and it always turned out a blast. I sit back and watch to learn few things and try to better myself from it but so far no luck but I've been told i'm getting there.

L1GhTmArE -

-Another creator would be IrishDevil79. I think what caught my attention was his "Alien Resurrection" because, I always wanted to create a story series but never could come up with any ideas so I made levels based off of games like uncharted, or this unfinished project on my earth now. And every time I go back to play his series it motivates me to come up with ideas and I admire his skills when it comes to that and how he does his 3D and visuals.

IrishDevil79 -

Moving on to levels, can you list some that caught your eye?

I admire Alley_Cat_8633 SoD series. From the first level to his last the whole series was just like something I would like to make one day. I like how on his feeding frenzy level your going through the cave and you got the cave monsters just chasing after you to give you that rush like you have to keep running and then when more begins to chase you, it just amazing. The level just catches your attention and brings you into it. And like his other levels with the action and things setting on fire, soldiers fighting it was just one awesome series to play and I enjoyed every bit of it. Here's his link to check out the series.

SoD: [Act 1-1] Mt Kalan - .

-The next level I admire made by "Dajdaj03" is his Arabesk series. The introduction was just amazing and his voice acting and cut scenes were on point it was just great level hands down. I admire it cause like I said before i'm really into story levels and something well put as this level just motivates you to want to make something great just like this. All I can say is check it out if you haven't done so and you'll see what I mean.

ARABESK Part 1A : Introduction [1P ONLY] -

-Another level well more like a movie that caught my eye was made by TheNotorious-187 called BLACK44. I'm the type of guy whose into army games and stuff and I always wanted to make something army related. When I saw this film you couldn't help but just love how he put this together. I admire it cause of his talent he put in to making it look so realistic, his talent for character making just made this film just flat out amazing and background was just jaw dropping.


I could go on for few more but for my last and final one is from Powder-001 level called "Audrey Dreaming". The menu was just perfect. I liked the bedroom and how you pick a dream to watch from different sections of the room. It was a well put menu and I never seen nothing done so great like it. The dreams were done well from sound, environment, everything. I could go on about it but checking it out is all I can say for you to do.


So as you see levels I admire most usually are series based things, cause of the fact I'm really wanting to start my own just in time when the right idea comes. And when it do come, I hope you like it.

Do you have any future plans and projects?

I have a top-down project on my moon collecting dust, its already built and all the logic is pretty much done. I'm just having few issues at the moment and little lazy to fix them so it's just sitting there on hold for awhile.

Also got Ms. Pac-man that's unfinished that might not ever go back to but here are photos..

As for plans, soon as I get enough costumes going on the vita, I would like to make a series on there and maybe on the ps3 version as well.

And finally, can you give us 3 tags that describe you as a creator?

Artistic - Cause I'm really into detail, scenary and visuals and stuff.

Platformer - As you see cause majority of my levels are platformers at the moment.

Funny - Wouldn't say i'm always funny but whoever is with me I try and make it a good time.

(Interview by SpaceMonkey187)